Tuesday, July 18, 2017

First Day of School Info!

First Day of School
Welcome to school, your child's place to learn and grow!! This is a marker in your child's life and hopefully will be a pleasant and memorable one. 
This year we are having a Sneak Peak of your child’s class and some information about Smith School. Please watch for the note in the mail to confirm your time and teacher assignment. 
Here are some suggestions of things you may do to prepare for the first day jitters-

1.   Visit the playground and school just to 'check it out'.

2.Let them help you prepare their lunch and snack, pack their bag (no backpacks), and talk about how fun it was when you went to school.

**3.Have your child bring a picture of you to look at when they miss you. They can carry it anywhere they want.

4.Tell them how proud you are that they too are doing their 'job' just like big people.

5.When it comes time to say good bye be happy, let them know you will see them in a bit, then hug, kiss and go.  Walk away, go on… and know they will be safe in my room.

Where do I go -
Your child will be notified by mail their teacher assignment and time for the Sneak Peak.  If you miss this they will be posted the day before school starts on the fences at 17th street, 14th street and in front of the office.

September Sneak a Peak –
All K's and parents will be having a brief informal meet and greet in the classroom. (Back to School Night will have more info about academics, schedules, and school.) This will help your child and you transition into the school day. 
**Parents make sure to sign in and mark how your child will be going home.**
If you are picking them up for 1st day only under parent pickup write 1st day and check how they will be going home the rest of the year. Please write the afternoon bus number if needed. 

The kiddies (with parent help) may –
 1.  Find their cubbies and the bathrooms. 
2. Find where they place their lunch boxes.(shelf next to back door.)
3. Have them find their name tag at a table and work on writing their names and drawing a picture and coloring. They can deliver them to the mailbox at the front door and then draw and color at their table or sit on the floor with a book.

The first day please line up at the front door of K class. All other grades line up on the blacktop where their room number is.
·       When the door opens make sure to sign the paper that lets me know how your child is getting home for the school year if you haven't already. If you are picking them up for 1st day only under parent pickup write 1st day and check the usual way writing the afternoon bus number if needed.
·       Remember to give them a cheerful hug and kiss goodbye when it is time to go. If there are criers, I will hold them while you go out the door, trust me they do stop.
·       After you leave we will say the pledge and sing our patriotic song of the month, listen to a story, go over classroom and playground rules. Have our snack and go to recess. Then we will listen to story and draw a first day picture, get ready for lunch. Learning about our centers and assessments will end our fast and fun first day!
***There is a notebook at the front door for any special notes to me as sometimes it gets quite hectic in the morning.
** When school starts please - make sure names are on lunchboxes and  lunch $  is in zip bags with their name on it. If you have put money on their account please put a note in a zip bag to let me know. Lunch $ is kept in a basket at the front door. Please show them the snack for the day and pack it apart from the lunch. Lunches will go on the lunch shelf and snacks in the snack box that is the same color as their table.

Pick up time is 2:18 - Please  pick up at the front door.
1.   Come to the front door.
2.  I will have the kiddies at their tables.
3.   When I open the door please come on in! I will ask for your child's name and call for them to join you.
4. If you are late the kinder's can be picked up at the front office for safe keeping.
I apologize ahead of time but until I can place faces with students it is safer this way. Thank you for your cooperation with this. I also found it was nice for you to peek at their work that is displayed. Please check back to see if I add information for you. The PTA site is great to visit too!

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