down to read about -
Special Days
Change in going home
Rules and consequences
Talk it Out
Special Days
Change in going home
Rules and consequences
Talk it Out
Classroom Rules
8:20 - 1:18
Music –
Computer Lab -
Library -
Our lunch
time is 11:30 - 12:15, we start the process at 11:15. You can set up a lunch account with
the school. Your child will be given a lunch number, written on a card for
his/her convenience. Every day your child purchases lunch, money will be
withdrawn from his/her account. When he/she is out of money, the cafeteria will
send home reminders to send more money. Lunch calendars are handed out once a
Please label and pack the snack in another bag (these may be reused) and show your child what they will be having for snack.
Please label and pack the snack in another bag (these may be reused) and show your child what they will be having for snack.
will be 20 minutes set aside daily for snack/recess.. If you would like to send
your child to school with a water bottle, that will be fine. Make sure your
child's name is on it. They will be allowed to get their water bottles any time
when I am not in the middle of a lesson. If they are using their water bottles in any way that is inappropriate
school behavior, I will be sending a note home and your child will not be
allowed to have a water bottle at school.
If your child has any allergies, please let the
office and me know as soon as possible.
I send home a homework
folder every Monday and it is expected to be returned every Friday in their bag.
The homework follows the "letter of the week." The children should be
able to do the homework independently, but they may need some guidance. It
should be done in 10 - 15 minutes max. Please see me if it needs to be
Please, No Backpacks-
We will be using recyclable shopping bags not
backpacks in kindergarten. These may be decorated as long as I can read their
Label Everything
write your child's last name on everything that comes to school - lunch money,
school supplies, lunch boxes, jackets, etc. Things can get very easily misplaced.
child will get to celebrate his/her birthday or ½ birthday in school. They are the queen or king
for the day. You may also purchase a birthday book for the library. Write their
name, year, and sentiment in the front cover.
Hillerts books are perfect
and can be found at Amazon! (click on Amazon to go to the site)
Parent Volunteers
love parent volunteers. If you can spare an hour or so out of your day to help
out in your child's classroom, that would be wonderful. I usually assign each
volunteer a special day and time to come in once a week. I will send home a
sign up sheet during the first month of school. Please do not sign up unless
you are available on a regular basis. During holidays and special occasions, I
may ask for additional help. If your schedule does not permit you to help out
on a regular basis, you may offer to help out for special occasions. I will
start parent volunteers after a couple of weeks at school. I would like the
children to get accustomed to the school environment before I begin to ask
parents to come in.
Class Rules
Discipline Plan Parents,
please review this with your child. If you have any questions or comments,
please let me know. Thank you for your support.
1. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2. Treat school and personal property with care.
3. Listen carefully and follow directions.
2. Treat school and personal property with care.
3. Listen carefully and follow directions.
I use a card system.
- Star burst design - Great day
-Green - verbal warning or 3 count
-Yellow - Time out, running laps, note home, call home
-Red - call home, possible chat with the principal
use Talk it Out to solve our problems.
Rewards :
A classroom that is having fun learning.
A happy teacher Happy students
Verbal praise Extra free time
Super Surfer note ** Pogs or play money **
**They purchase a variety of items that I buy or are donated by parents
A classroom that is having fun learning.
A happy teacher Happy students
Verbal praise Extra free time
Super Surfer note ** Pogs or play money **
**They purchase a variety of items that I buy or are donated by parents
To use talk it out -
Child 1- "Please stop ____, I don't like it when you ___________."
Child 2 - "I'm sorry. I won't ever _______ again " or "Oops, sorry."
Then they may shake hands and say "Let's be friends."
I encourage them to say the first part loudly to solve it on their own. This also allows me to hear the problem and if they say it again then I talk to the offender if needed.
I also encourage them to just walk away.
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