Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 2013

Upcoming  Events

8th – No School – Lincoln’s Birthday

7th - Mailbox Field Trip – K’s walk to the mailbox on 17th and Orange and deliver valentines. Then we buy a donut at the Donut store. All are welcome to walk with us. Permission slips are mandatory so return a.s.a.p. Please address and stamp the envelope provided for the kiddies to deliver. We will be making the card in the classroom.

14th -Valentine Party – Please have your child write their name on the inside only. No student names on the envelope please. The party will be from 8:30 – 10:00. Volunteers Needed!

15th - No School - Presidents Day
TBD– The 100th day of school!! The kiddies will dress like a 100 year old. Fri. the 22nd we will have the 1ooth day celebration. Volunteers Needed!!

25th – Open House/In-n-Out Come and enjoy your childs work in the classroom, and don’t forget to visit the 1st grade classes too!

We will be learning obout our country, presidents, symbols, patriotic songs, the heart, 100, subtracting, measuring, writing, spelling our hi fi words correctly, reading, post office, community helpers and more!!! What a fun busy month it will be.
Classroom Donation Request -
I touches
baby wipe refills
dry erase markers
valentine stickers